Routecards & Route Planning

Marking a route on the map

It is vital that you can see the public rights of way and landmarks on the map when navigating. Too much ink means that you won't be able to see what you are walking on and have a greater risk of straying off onto the wrong path. Therefore:

Distance - Height Gain - Time

Walking Speed

On average, teams on a DofE expedition will often walk at a speed of around 3kph on flat, even terrain. This might be quicker if walking along a long-distance cycle trail or road, or if carrying less kit. Equally, this might be slower if walking on uneven ground, such as rocky outcrops or open moorland terrain.

3kph makes calculations simpler i.e. 1km takes 20 mins, 0.5 km in 10mins, 0.25km in 5 mins.

Height Gain

When walking uphill, it tends to take longer. On average, we tend to allow an extra 1 min for every 10 metres climbed. On many maps, contour lines are spaced at 10m intervals, so this works out at 1 min per contour line.

When going downhill or staying at the same height, there is NO HEIGHT GAIN, and therefore you should record 0.

Journey Time

The journey time is therefore a combination of your walking speed and height gain i.e.
3km per hour + 1 min for every 10m climbed.

Planning a route (The 6Ds)

Use the following set of "D"s to help:

Routecards are tabular forms which are built around these 6 "D"s. They help to inform all parties - participants, supervisors and assessors - of the intended route, time of arrival at each checkpoint, and what actions to take in bad weather or emergencies.

Route Description (Recipe)

When describing a route, follow this simple "recipe":

Bronze Routecards

Plot your route on the map, highlight your start and 6 checkpoints. Using the Karos Adventure Bronze Routecard template:

Silver & Gold Routecards

Plot your route on the map, highlight your start and 6 checkpoints. Using the Karos Adventure Silver & Gold Routecard template:

Canoeing Routecards

Plot your route on the map, highlight your start and 6 checkpoints. Using the Karos Adventure Silver & Gold Routecard template: