Medical Conditions
Participants who may experience asthma or shortness of breath on an expedition must bring their inhaler. This applies even if they have not experienced asthma for some considerable time.
Participants will need to pack their inhaler in a pocket of their rucksack and ensure other members of their team know where this is located.
Diabetes can be managed on an expedition.
Hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar. Have glucose tablets on hand, such as Dextro Energy, Lucozade, or a Mars bar.
Hyperglycaemia - High Blood Sugar (Insulin-deficient). Participants must regularly test their blood sugar levels and treat for dehydration with an unsweetened drink.
Participants who are managing diabetes may wish to use an app on their smart phone to monitor their blood sugar levels. Please advise your expedition supervisor and school staff.
Other long-term medical conditions
Full disclosure of all relevant medical information is needed so that we can make informed decisions and keep participants safe. This includes:
heart or blood circulation condition.
problems with breathing, including asthma.
bone or joint conditions, weak muscles or tendons, including Osgood-Schlatter disease or Scoliosis (curvature of the spine).
panic attacks, anxiety, stress, seizures, or psychological disorders.
learning difficulties, including Autism or Asperger's Syndrome.
visual or hearing impairment.
recent referral to or seen by a hospital doctor or surgeon.
currently receiving any prescribed medication.
allergies e.g. hayfever, nuts, penicillin, animal hair or fur etc.
All of this information helps us to develop and implement strategies to help support participants on their expedition.
Mobility aids and adaptions
In certain situations, participants may benefit from various support arrangements to help them complete their expedition. These can include:
using walking poles
wearing knee-support bandage
carrying a lighter load with overnight camping kit transported by staff
Full disclosure of information on our medical consent form will help us to determine where such support is required. Participants should also discuss this with their school staff who will then liaise with ourselves to ensure all appropriate support measures are available.