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DofE Expedition Packages
National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) Bronze Award
To gain the Bronze Navigator Award, participants undergo a minimum of 12 hours in total across at least 2 days. These are not necessarily consecutive, but shouldn’t be far apart. There is no overnight requirement but we can include an overnight camp if desired. Participants should be arranged into teams of 8, with each team accompanied by a qualified NNAS Tutor.
£95.00 + VAT per participant.
This includes:
2 days navigation training and assessment.
Qualified NNAS Tutors on a 1:8 ratio.
Training Resources, including maps and compasses.
Risk Assessments and Insurance.
Course Registration
NNAS Bronze Award Certificate for each successful participant.
An overnight camp can be arranged at a separate cost to include any campsite fees, additional staffing costs and use of our group camping equipment (tents and stoves).
Navigate using a variety of maps and scales.
Use 4 and 6 figure grid references with worded descriptions to define the position of a map feature and to locate a feature on the ground.
Orientate the map using handrails, obvious point features and major landforms.
Use linear features (e.g. paths, tracks, clear boundaries) as handrails in simple navigation exercises.
Relate prominent landforms such as large hills and valleys to corresponding contour information on the map.
Orientate the map by aligning a compass needle against grid north and be aware that magnetic variation causes an inaccuracy.
Use an orientated map to confirm the direction of travel.
Use clearly identifiable features to confirm position along the route and to recognise when the target has been overshot.
Measure horizontal distance on the map and estimate distance on the ground using timing, pacing and simple visual judgements e.g.100m.
Plan and implement simple routes and navigation strategies based on the above skills.
Recognise a navigation error within a few minutes and apply simple relocation techniques using handrails and prominent features.
Demonstrate an awareness of local and national access issues, access legislation, personal responsibilities and the Countryside Code.
Demonstrate appropriate knowledge of walking equipment, safety equipment and emergency procedures.