Effects of Temperature
Signs and symptoms
Mild: Shivering, goose bumps, cold to touch, irritable, tired, poor judgement.
Moderate: Blue lips, warm and red limbs due to widening of blood vessels, slow pulse, reduced level of consciousness, slurred speech, confused irrational behaviour, clumsiness, falling over.
Severe: Faint breathing and pulse, blue limbs.
Summed up by “the -umbles”:
Shelter. Stop and put up tent. Use Emergency Survival Bag.
Body warmth – ensure casualty is wearing warm, dry clothes, extra layers, inside sleeping bag in tent.
Sweet drink and emergency rations if conscious
Evacuate the casualty if able to re-warm, clothing is dry, casualty is able to walk unassisted and improved weather.
Follow emergency procedure to get help.
Heat Exhaustion / Heat Stroke
Signs & Symptoms
Heat Exhaustion: Tiredness, weakness, headache, faint irritability, nausea, muscle cramps, dizziness, inability to continue with same work rate, slightly elevated pulse, often cool and clammy skin.
Heat Stroke: Headache, irritability, drowsiness, emotional changes, rapid weak pulse, confusion progressing to coma, elevated temperature, skin feels hot and may be moist or dry with reduced elasticity, thirst, infrequent urine that is strong smelling and dark.
Shade and ventilation.
Remove excess clothing.
Insulate from hot ground.
Raise legs.
Protect airway if vomiting.
Cool by fanning and spraying with water.
Ice packs/cold compress to core.
Apply cool wet cloths.
Rehydrate – 1 part water with ½ teaspoon of salt per litre or expedition rehydration pack. Casualty MUST take small sips to avoid over hydration.
Over Hydration
Signs & Symptoms
Low sodium levels in blood plasma caused by over hydration.
May appear dehydrated.
Nausea and vomiting.
Possible onset of muscle cramps.
Drop in blood pressure.
Determine history as this condition may be mistaken for dehydration.
Ask how much fluid has been drunk and over what time period.
Treat as for heat exhaustion.
Do NOT give water to drink.
If conscious and can swallow, give salty snacks (e.g. peanuts, crisps) to restore sodium balance.